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Directories (181)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
10_10 Albert Belle (Indians)2   10_10 Chipper Jones (Braves)2   10_10 David Justice (Braves)2
10_10 Mark Lewis (Cinn)2   10_10 Pete Schourek (Cinn)2   10_10 Tom Glavine (Braves)2
10_11 Jeff Branson (Reds)2   10_11 Joey Cora (Mariners)2   10_11 Ken Griffey (Mariners)2
10_11 Lenny Harris (Reds)2   10_11 Luis Sojo (Mariners)2   10_11 Manny Ramirez (Indians)2
10_11 Orel Hershiser (Indians)2   10_11 Thomas Howard (Reds)2   10_15 Ken Griffey Jr. (Mariners)2
10_3 Albert Belle Digs In!2   10_3 Cone Deals!!!2   10_3 Mattingly Introduced!2
10_3 Red Sox Home Run!2   10_3 Sierra Home Run!2   10_3 Yankee Fans Pack the House!2
10_4 Fans catch Mattingly's HR!2   10_4 Jim Leyritz HR!2   10_4 Ken Griffey HR!2
10_4 Mattingly swings!2   10_4 Yanks Leyritz hit by pitch!2   10_4 Yanks,Bernie Williams2
10_8 E.Martinez double!2   10_8 Fans REFUSE to LOSE!2   10_8 Junior celebrates!2
Castilla Takes Home!2   Fans celebrate Mariners Win!2   Game 1, Aseemacher Warms Up!2
GAME 1, Braves Win, 3-2!2   GAME 1, Cal Ripken Pitch!2   GAME 1, Carlos Baerga2
GAME 1, Chipper Jones2   GAME 1, Dave Winfield2   GAME 1, David Justice2
GAME 1, Dedicated Fan2   GAME 1, Everyone wants Tickets!2   GAME 1, Fulton County Stadium2
GAME 1, Fulton County Stadium22   GAME 1, Greg Maddux3   GAME 1, Greg Maddux throws!2
GAME 1, Hershiser Winds Up!2   GAME 1, Indians and ABC fans!2   GAME 1, Indians Bunt!2
GAME 1, Jim Thome2   GAME 1, Kenny Lofton steals!2   GAME 1, Lofton & Grissom2
GAME 1, Lofton & Grissom!2   GAME 1, Lofton steals again!2   GAME 1, Lofton Steals Thrid2
GAME 1, Mark Lemke2   GAME 1, McGriff Holds Lofton!2   GAME 1, Omar Vizquel2
GAME 1, Outside the Stadium2   GAME 1, Pitching Change!2   GAME 1, Ryan Klesko2
GAME 1, Thome Drills it!2   GAME 1, Thome Swings2   GAME 1, Thome's Play!2
GAME 2, Carlos Baerga2   GAME 2, Chipper Jones2   Game 2, Chipper Jones Catch!2
GAME 2, Chipper Jones rounds 1st2   GAME 2, Dave Justice Takes Off!2   GAME 2, David Justice2
GAME 2, Final score!!2   GAME 2, Glavine2   GAME 2, Glavine throws the heat!2
GAME 2, Hank Aaron3   GAME 2, Indians on the Mound!2   GAME 2, Javier Lopez2
GAME 2, Jones Last Out!2   GAME 2, Kenny Lofton2   GAME 2, Klesko2
GAME 2, Manny Ramirez2   GAME 2, Martinez throws!2   GAME 2, Pena slides!2
GAME 2, Ramirez kicked off 1st!2   GAME 2, Ryan Klesko2   GAME 3, Carlos Baerga3
GAME 3, Charles Nagy2   GAME 3, Chipper Jones2   GAME 3, Final Score2
GAME 3, Game winning RBI!2   GAME 3, Herbert Perry2   GAME 3, Indians Celebration!!!2
GAME 3, Is this baseball_2   GAME 3, Jacobs Field3   GAME 3, Kenny Lofton OUT!2
GAME 3, Manny Ramirez2   GAME 3, McGriff HR!2   GAME 3, Mesa Warms Up!2
GAME 3, Omar Vizquel DP!2   GAME 3, Omar Vizquel Slides!2   GAME 3, Paul Sorrento Check!2
GAME 3, Tribe Fans Celebrate!2   Game 4, Albert Belle2   Game 4, Alvaro Espinoza2
Game 4, Bob Feller2   Game 4, Braves-Lemke2   Game 4, Dave Justice RBI2
Game 4, Drew Carey2   Game 4, Espinoza 2 Out Single2   Game 4, Fair or Foul_2
Game 4, Final Score2   Game 4, Grissom stolen base2   Game 4, Hargrove Pulling Tavarez2
Game 4, Indians try to rally2   Game 4, Jones scores!2   Game 4, Klesko HR2
Game 4, Ramierez HR2   GAME 4, The American Flag!2   GAME 5, Albert Belle's HR!2
GAME 5, Blimp2   GAME 5, Brushback!2   GAME 5, Fireworks Celebration!2
GAME 5, First pitch in space!2   GAME 5, Indians dugout2   Game 5, Indians fans!2
GAME 5, Klesko HR!!2   GAME 5, Luis Polonia2   GAME 5, Maddux2
Game 5, Maddux and Lopez confer!2   GAME 5, Nice catch!2   GAME 5, Orel Hershiser2
GAME 5, Strike out!2   GAME 5, Strike three, Game Over!2   Game 5, Thome HR!2
Game 5, Thome RBI!2   GAME 5, What a Catch!2   GAME 5,World Series Logo2
GAME 6 _30 year_ sign2   GAME 6 Belle Catch #22   GAME 6 Belliard Great Catch2
GAME 6 Bobby Cox2   GAME 6 Braves celebrate3   GAME 6 Emotional Lofton2
GAME 6 Final Out2   GAME 6 GLAVINE DRINKS2   GAME 6 Glavine Golden2
GAME 6 Grissom Error2   GAME 6 Indian Agony2   GAME 6 Justice = Hero2
GAME 6 Justice Happy!2   GAME 6 Lofton at bat2   GAME 6 Lopez Celebrates2
GAME 6 Luis Polonia2   GAME 6 Moon2   GAME 6 Sorrento In the 9th2
GAME 6 Turner & Fonda2   GAME 6 Turner & Trophy2   GAME 6 Turner Speaks To Presi2
GAME 6, Bare Hand2   GAME 6, Belle Strikes Out2   GAME 6, Braves Lineup2
GAME 6, Chipper Steals Second2   Game 6, David Justice2   Game 6, Dennis Martinez2
GAME 6, Justice Crushes Poole2   GAME 6, Justice Doubles2   GAME 6, Justice Solo Homer2
Game 6, Lemke Thrown Out2   GAME 6, Lofton's Speed 22   GAME 6, Martinez Curveball2
Game 6, Omar Vizquel2   GAME 6, Power and Pitching2   GAME 6, Stadium2
GAME 6, Thome Strikesout2   GAME 6, Thome Warning Track P2   GAME 6, Tom Glavine2
GAME 6, Vizquel Catch2   Johnson High Fives Teammate!2   Johnson's Winning Pitch!2
Mariners Celebrate!2   Paul O'Neill Home Run!2   Rangers Push Mariners!2
Yankees Lock it Up!2

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
url.txt Text File 1 16b 2014-12-19